S1 E11: 🫣 Why are you afraid to sell your services... really?

This discussion with host and financial therapist, Rachel Duncan, and Hypnotherapist, Lexi, delves into topics like the psychological impacts of childhood sales competitions, the brainwave states involved in hypnotherapy, and the process of reprogramming subconscious beliefs around money. Lexi highlights the importance of addressing inner child work and offers insights on overcoming money-related blocks for a more fulfilling entrepreneurial journey.

This episode is for anyone who feels a block around money. Here you'll learn that when you ask a question, be ready to receive an answer! Lexi shares her experience clearing a major money block using self-hypnosis, and she walks you through how you can use this process for yourself!

4 Brain wave states

Beta - conscious and focused awareness

Alpha - Deep relaxation, meditation

Theta - Gateway from conscious to subconscious, Ideal state for hypnosis, Daydreaming, Trance

Delta - Deep sleep


  1. Free hypnotherapy consult with Lexi's hypnotherapy: Journey For Joy with Lexi: hynotherapywithlexi@gmail.com

  2. Aqua Love notes

  3. Sub reddit about selling stuff as a kid for fundraisers

00:37 Exploring the Fear of Selling

01:15 Lexi's Journey and Professional Background

02:47 Childhood Experiences and Money Beliefs

06:04 The Impact of Early Sales Experiences

16:37 Understanding Brainwave States

19:39 Rewiring Beliefs with Hypnotherapy

22:44 Money Blocks and Childhood Memories

25:25 Parental Influence on Money Beliefs

29:55 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

🎧 Your next listen: S1 E4: How can I teach my kids good money habits?

🖐️Leave us a voicemail: What was your experience with selling stuff as a kid? Click on the big orange button on our site right from your phone or browser and let me know https://www.moneyhealingclub.com/podcast

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Full transcript can be found here: https://www.moneyhealingclub.com/podcast

  • [00:00:00] -Music-

    [00:00:03] Welcome to the Money Healing Club podcast. I'm your host, Rachel Duncan. I'm a financial therapist and art therapist, and you've come to the softest place to land in personal finance. This podcast is for education and entertainment purposes only. For help with your particular situation, please seek help from a licensed professional in mental health, taxes, and finance.

    [00:00:28] Here, we talk about all the things we don't usually say when we talk about money. Let's begin.

    [00:00:34] -Music-

    [00:00:37] Where is this coming from? Why am I so afraid to sell? Why am I so worried about I'm going to bother people. If I show up online, like my services, what I do help people heal generational traumas. They help people with so many things. I'm not bothering people. And I was just like, what is wrong with me?


    [00:01:02] Everyone, welcome to the Money Healing Club podcast. I have a special guest today. I would love to welcome Lexi onto the pod. How you doing?

    [00:01:10] I am feeling really good and excited to be here with you, Rachel. Thank you for inviting me.

    [00:01:15] I'm Lexi and I'm currently living in Austin, Texas, and I just got done living nomadically all around Europe. I lived in a different country every single month for the last 6 months and it was an incredible journey.

    [00:01:30] I. Have been taking my work abroad and I do hypnotherapy virtually, I do coaching, and I also do retreats. And so that is something that is just near and dear to my heart. And I have a background. In psychology, so I went to school for, and then I actually ended up in, um, real estate, which is a whole other story.

    [00:01:55] I won't get into that right now. But then I had an awakening moment when I was in real estate and I was told I heard a voice. I like to think it was like a guide. Or maybe a guardian angel, but I heard some voice and it said, Lexi, you're meant to help people find the homes within. So that's what led me to do the work that I do now.

    [00:02:15] And I am a traveler by nature. And I'm working on sitting still, I'm just focusing on staying put for now, but yeah, that's a little bit of an intro of me.

    [00:02:29] And the, the bit I know of you is that, you are a voyager of the inner work. I think you really are.

    [00:02:36] Absolutely. And hence why my, my business name is Journey for Joy. Journey for joy with Lexi.

    [00:02:42] I love that. I love that. I will link in the show notes, by the way, everyone. That's great. Well, so this topic came up, we were chatting about certain childhood experiences that, um, shape our money beliefs and you had a really interesting realization and I was like, Oh, can we talk about this in the podcast?

    [00:03:02] Yeah. So I've been working for myself. Since 2020, it was actually during the pandemic, I went back to school to learn the modalities that I have now, and

    [00:03:14] it's so interesting because I feel like entrepreneurship is a journey in of itself, an inner journey, and I've learned so much about myself. I've healed a lot. I've worked through so much. I am unrecognizable from the woman I was in 2020, and there's been a lot of ups and downs. And also I like to view it as more of like a spiral.

    [00:03:36] I've seen this diagram before where you're always going up, but sometimes it feels like you're going backwards, but entrepreneurship's hard. I mean, I don't think that's a limiting belief. I think that's, there's some truth to that.

    [00:03:51] I think it's a fact.

    [00:03:53] It's rewarding and it's beautiful and it's messy, but it shapes us and it changes us.

    [00:03:59] And. All that to say is I found myself a couple of weeks ago, realizing that I'd hit another low in my business and just my life. I felt a little bit burned out from that nomadic lifestyle. It is, uh, it's a, it is glamorized. I will say, uh, social media makes it look more glamorized. Everybody traveling every single month with everything you own in your suitcase and your small aging dog is, uh, it was a lot.

    [00:04:26] There was just a lot of energy being expelled from me and, um, So I got back and I found myself kind of at this low and not really wanting to take on clients because I felt like I needed to support myself right now. So I did. I took care of me. And then I noticed. Wow. Okay. I do not have a boss. I do not have another job.

    [00:04:50] This is my, this is how I You know, support myself in this world. So it is time to start doing something about that and start helping people. But I had some blocks and I was just like, where is this coming from? Why am I so afraid to sell? Why am I so worried about? I'm going to bother people. If I show up online, like my services, what I do help people heal generational and all that.

    [00:05:13] It's traumas. They help people with so many things. I'm not bothering people. And I was just like, what is wrong with me?

    [00:05:22] That's "up here" thinking.

    [00:05:23] Yeah. I know this. Like I can have a business and charge for my services and I see other people do it. Like there isn't a cognitive block. There's something else.

    [00:05:31] I was like, deeper. Yeah. It's like, what is this? So. I know that when you ask a question, if you're ready to receive the answer, you'll receive it. So that night as I was drifting off to bed, so heading towards that theta brainwave state, which is a more relaxed place right before you go to sleep, my subconscious mind beautifully revealed An image.

    [00:05:55] And for the work that I do, uh, this is typically shows like the root cause, or it's very important. And so it showed me at the door of some random neighbor. I was about 7 or 8 years old, and I was trying to sell candles and memory. This is a real memory. Yes. And I was selling candles. And I remember the face of that individual was so frustrated and annoyed.

    [00:06:19] That I came to the door because I guarantee you, and you'll hear this soon, there was a lot of other kids that went to their door in a small town to try to sell them things. And I was like, whoa, oh, my gosh. And then I had a couple other memories flash into my mind where I remember looking at myself in the mirror very young, like, 9 years old and just.

    [00:06:39] Looking at myself and crying and thinking I can't do this. I'm not good enough. And what that is, is I couldn't sell wrapping paper and I couldn't sell popcorn and all these random things that my school was asking us to sell. Fundraisers. This is the, the topic I brought up and it's so interesting that schools create these, these sales competitions and these fundraisers.

    [00:07:10] Now, I was in Girl Scouts and I get that, you know, that's kind of like a separate little club. And there's bake sales and things like that. That's great. No, this is using children to create income for a school

    [00:07:24] and yeah. And the door to door, literally the door to door salespeople.

    [00:07:29] I just had a woman actually come up today before this call.

    [00:07:33] She knocked on the door and she was so sweet and I just kind of, I was very kind to her. Um, and I was like, I, I actually don't live here. So like, I can't do the remodeling thing with you, hon. Like, I'm sorry. Like, this isn't my home. Um, but yeah, like going door to door as a young kid and that fear of rejection.

    [00:07:52] And not only fear,

    [00:07:54] but like lived rejection. Like most people are probably not going to buy. And for a kid who have the equipment to even like do that and understand that. I do think the trend has changed because I, I have not experienced kids doing that recently. I did maybe about eight or nine years ago and maybe there's been like a shift.

    [00:08:13] I would love to hear from our listeners if they're still experiencing this or if their kids are doing like the door to door sales. I personally have not seen it on the receiver side, which I think is probably a good thing. I think it's tough. And then, yeah, this added level of not only. We're going to send you out, go door to door, strangers houses, or maybe it's people you know, face certain rejection.

    [00:08:33] And then we're going to put like a leaderboard together. Yep.

    [00:08:37] So now we're going to create scarcity and competition. And we're going to make you start hating. And fighting against the people you're going to school with and creating animosity.

    [00:08:46] Welcome to capitalism, kids. I mean, it really is grooming for capitalism, isn't it?

    [00:08:52] And then, yeah, and you're these, you're just this young kid. And of course, you want that little plastic toy. That, that stupid thing, right? These things that cost them very little. And then, so, You're fighting with your, your classmates. You're so worried about becoming top of the leaderboard. You're not focusing on this actual schooling while you're there.

    [00:09:11] Right. You become these little salespeople. Yeah. And there's whole Reddit, Reddit forums on this, just people on YouTube. Cause I went the next day, I was like, Oh my gosh, there's gotta be others just like me.

    [00:09:24] Yeah,

    [00:09:25] sure enough.

    [00:09:26] There's a whole subreddit about it.

    [00:09:28] Yep.

    [00:09:29] There's a very funny thing on Instagram that the Scholastic Book Fair did not instill in me a love of reading.

    [00:09:35] It instilled a love of shopping.

    [00:09:36] Okay, that hits so hard, Rachel. I love books. But you know what I love more than reading the books is buying the books and collecting them. Oh my gosh, that's another unlock.

    [00:09:47] Those are two different hobbies.

    [00:09:49] Wow. That was one of my favorite things, like the book catalog and

    [00:09:53] yeah,

    [00:09:55] real live aha moment.

    [00:09:56] I

    [00:09:57] know. And my kids like, right. They're like, okay, we put some money in there, like digital wallet and they feel they have to maximize it. And they go, it's like, Yeah, a little capitalism, consumerism, training grounds, you know, it's so tough. Back to that's on the more consumer side, but this other aspect of the selling side, right? To have these early experiences of selling. And probably a real mixed bag of, you know, success and failure, and for that to be a first experience of, you know, selling something for money and how does that stick with you going on into adulthood in terms of forming core memories, core associations with this act.

    [00:10:35] So it's like, okay, we fast forward and you're, you're, you're in business, you believe in what you do, you're good at what you do. Like. Oh, there's this block around, "ding dong. Would you like to buy some hypnotherapy?"

    [00:10:50] what does that mean? Will I win? Am I winning? It's just so interesting.

    [00:10:53] Yeah.

    [00:10:54] And just recognizing too, that there's a difference because when I go to somebody as a business owner, I typically am not just going to go to a Walmart and just start shouting, like, buy my hypnotherapy, right? Like, I understand. I do a client avatar. I understand the people who are ready for this type of work and.

    [00:11:17] It just kind of brings me back to thinking how you just go door to door and you're selling things that people don't need, right? So there's that consumerism. It's like, come on, just buy some popcorn from this kid. Come on, just use

    [00:11:27] your money.

    [00:11:28] Or also like, aren't they cute? Like, be cute, be nice. And then it's this guilt thing.

    [00:11:33] I don't know, buy your damn candle to like get you happy and get you off of my porch. It's real yucky layers, right? It doesn't feel completely consensual.

    [00:11:42] Right. It's like, then these things might get formed also in adulthood. Of, oh, I just, I feel guilty if I don't buy from somebody,

    [00:11:50] if I don't, then I'm going to look greedy or I'm going to look like a jerk

    [00:11:55] or like I'm maybe stealing something. Or maybe I'm just like. Yeah, like if I don't leave buying something, maybe they wonder, maybe they, there's like all these thoughts, all these things.

    [00:12:06] What if you just weren't happy with what was there and you just don't want to spend your money on that?

    [00:12:10] It's this like people pleasing that comes up, right? So, okay, realizing that, okay, with the way that I'm doing my business, it's not door to door candle sales, but if we're to really drill down to the base, yes, I am selling something, right? I am exchanging money for a thing. You're in your case. It's a service, not a candle. And yes, people are coming to you because they are already interested.

    [00:12:33] They're not doing the door to door. So, right, there are some differences, but there is this block that was connecting to this old core experience still. And since, I mean, we had originally talked about this a few weeks ago, where's your process with this now? Where, where do you sit with the, the experience of selling or exchanging services for money now?

    [00:12:56] for that question. Yes, things have definitely shifted in the last two weeks. I have a lot of people. I am supporting right now with hypnotherapy with coaching. There's actually been an influx, um, because I was able to, Address, it's called the Gestalt like in therapy, right? So it's, it's really like the root cause.

    [00:13:15] It's the first time, um, something happened and then it kind of formed this. I like to say like a snowball. If any of you watching this or listening to this, uh, Knows what snow is. I'm in Texas, South Texas. Most people don't. So it's hard to use this analogy with locals, but most, most everybody knows snow.

    [00:13:34] So you think about like a tiny little snowball. So that's like the first time something happened. So for me it was, Oh, I'm not good at selling. I'm bothering people. Right. And then what happens is any other time that's closely connected to this situation, it gets bigger and bigger. The snow mall gets bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger.

    [00:13:51] So what happens is when I'm, I'm 33 years old. And so I was responding on of the seven, eight year old instead of the 33 year olds, because I was touching on a gestalt, a root cause something really big. So I had to address the root cause. The gestalt and I had to clear it and I was able to do that with just the tools that I've learned, um, that I help people with.

    [00:14:11] So I was able to look for the learning. I knew the subconscious mind needed a learning that could protect it and support me in the future. Should I ever need it too? And I use that as a new belief. And when I was close to sleep, which is when you're closer to the subconscious mind, I gave it a new belief.

    [00:14:28] I said, no, selling is sacred. Selling is sacred, and I think there was something else I said, it's not coming to me right now, but it's, it was just like, I, I'm serving, I'm helping people,

    [00:14:45] and this

    [00:14:45] is sacred. And, um, I was able to tell that little girl, like, it's okay. You were selling stuff to people, right?

    [00:14:52] Like they didn't need that. And they had 10 other kids come to their door that week. Right. And maybe they bought from one other kid. Like it didn't mean anything about you. If you really have something you can support somebody with. There's nothing to feel bad about. Um, so yeah, it was very healing and it has shifted massively already in my life.

    [00:15:13] And I started to show up and people have started to show up and come find me energetically, I cleared it up.

    [00:15:19] It happens so much of money work is actually this inner child work. There's this young part of us that hasn't had a chance to develop. You know, that's that's in my framework. How I see it. There's a part that is in a stuck in a bit of a time capsule and it needs just a little bit of compassionate talk. Oh, I understand how you associated A and B, but just so you know, like, that was that context. Let me update you a bit. Guess what? I'm the grown up in the room now. You need a grown up. You're not the grown up. It's okay. You can be a kid. And this, it just sounds like this really gentle reparenting of understanding the situation, understanding that there's nuance, a lot of forgiveness for that young part of you.

    [00:16:07] Right? And now, okay, the stuff that I know cognitively, you know, more top of mind, consciously. Giving some space for that to filter through to the subconscious. This is now a new belief and I love this idea of kind of running it in that sleep state or like that pre sleep state and more.

    [00:16:25] Yeah. Um, I, I'm not sure.

    [00:16:29] You're probably familiar with the brainwave states, Rachel, just studies. Surprisingly, not. Okay.

    [00:16:35] I'd love to briefly share cause also this is going to help the audience. So right now, more than likely all of us listening to this and you and I, Rachel, we are using the beta brainwave state. So if you were to look, the, the waves would be pretty active and you could see like very high waves.

    [00:16:53] There's, you could look this up right now, beta, alpha, theta, delta brainwaves. And. This is just a very awake, aware, focused state. We're having a conversation. Here we are. Now, if I was to start to direct all of us to just be a little bit more inward, maybe obviously if you're driving, don't do this, but just like close your eyes, maybe just tune into your breath.

    [00:17:17] Maybe just notice your heartbeat. Just becoming more aware and present to this current moment, maybe some sensations you're feeling, just taking some deep breaths. We would start to go into an alpha brainwave state and that is where meditation is. That's the brainwave state of more relaxation and You know, just slowing things down a bit.

    [00:17:46] Now, data would be next. So if I was to continue on with this impromptu meditation, and I was to make it a full on hypnosis session, I would have some deep inners. I would instruct us to just relax our entire body. We'd be with this for about 10, 15 minutes, and the brain waves would be heading to that data.

    [00:18:06] And data is that gateway from the conscious to the subconscious mind. And now, Hypnosis is something that everyone can experience because everyone experiences these brainwave states at least twice a day, because as you are heading off to bed each night, you know, you're activated up in that beta and then you start getting more sleepy, more relaxed.

    [00:18:28] Maybe reading a book or journaling and you're in that alpha and then. You're like, all right, time for bed. You're in that theta. It's kind of that almost dream world. And then Delta is that deep sleep. So then deep sleep. Um, and then when you wake up every single day, you come back through. So you wake up and it reverses back up.

    [00:18:50] Right. And so I didn't know that. Yeah. So hypnotherapy is just guiding people through those brainwave states and to access that theta. Cause hypnotherapy is not sleeping. It's not sleep. You're not knocked out. You're just very focused and relaxed. It's kind of like when you're in a daydream and maybe you're like staring off in the corner and someone's talking to you and you're so focused on just some random thing.

    [00:19:11] You're like, hold on, hold on, and you come back. You were in a trance. So hypnotherapy uses a trance. I kind of forgot why we got onto the beta brainwaves. I love talking about this.

    [00:19:21] Oh, because I was asking about like, okay, you kind of, uh, identified this new script and then actively use it. Right. The, the awakening or the information came to you in theta state and then like, okay, then I'm going to rewrite the script and use the theta state to rewrite.

    [00:19:38] Absolutely. I highly recommend if you're interested in rewiring, reprogramming some beliefs and maybe you are not ready to invest in hypnotherapy or you can't, um, creating your own recordings of some affirmations, rewiring some beliefs and listening to it as you're about to fall asleep. Something that I've done.

    [00:19:57] And I also create recordings for clients that are specific for them and it helps them rewire and reprogram. Um, and, um, That repetition can also get into the subconscious and create a new neural pathway. And that's really what it all is. And so, for me, just understanding this work, I used that for my benefit and was able to shift it.

    [00:20:16] Yeah, it's some really powerful stuff.

    [00:20:18] That's really cool. So you've experienced. So you had 1st, sort of like this download. It sounds like 1st, you had awareness, like. Okay. What the hell? Like, I know. I mean, and also like, yeah, like, like I shouldn't have it. Why do I have this block? Like, this is, this doesn't make sense.

    [00:20:31] And that's like this first step, right? This awareness of the problem. And then in your beautiful process of like, okay, I'm just, if it's going to come to me, it's going to come to me. And it did. It sounds like Probably reliably for you. And, and it came this, this memory of selling the candles and I'm like, okay, wow.

    [00:20:49] And then you obviously dreamed on it. And then the next day really, you know, or the next journal about it. Yeah. Journal about it. That was like research. Yeah. And then, okay. And then you use that process to connect with that memory as if it is right now, right? The person in that memory, that little girl,

    [00:21:07] and I did it disassociated.

    [00:21:09] So I did it as if I was looking at it as a movie, like in my mind's eye. So I saw her like little me, little Lexi, instead of looking through my own eyes. That's really important because if you look through your own eyes and in memories, that's where you relive some of that trauma.

    [00:21:22] Yeah. That's a, that's a really important point.

    [00:21:24] Yeah. And it's so tied into, um, IFS internal family systems, which is definitely a hypnotic state as well. And yes, it is you and your true self state is relating to these parts and is really, it's so essential that you are in your current state relating to the parts and not identifying as them. That's called blending.

    [00:21:43] So, yeah. So, and it's often a reparenting of those parts that's going on. Oh, I love that blending. Yeah. And I get a little bit like, okay, nope, actually we're separate. Yeah. We're in their space together for sure, but we're not the same. And some parts want to over identify. So yeah, no, you're there. I'm here.

    [00:22:01] It's that sort of like sovereignty and we're working together and I'm going to give you the things that you needed at that moment. And I'm going to give it to you now.

    [00:22:08] I'm going to be my own best parent. I'm going to be the parent I always needed. That's so reparative to reparent yourself. Like, this is the stuff that, you know, in that moment, maybe your parents couldn't give you or, you know, and then this, this money association happens.

    [00:22:25] So like, we're going to go back in time. I mean, time's a construct anyway. It doesn't matter how long ago this happened. It doesn't matter. You can go right back as if it's right now, but not in a trauma state, just like you said, but in like a loving reparative state. It's amazing. It really works people. It really works.

    [00:22:43] Yeah. So maybe you have some kind of money block or something right now and you're, you just ask yourself this question. Why am I experiencing this? Why does this keep showing up for me? Where does this come from? What is the root cause of this? Something like that, right? Just wait for the answer to come.

    [00:23:00] It might come in the shower. That's another place. It's where you have like this least amount of resistance and expectation and yeah, maybe it'll come to you as you're about to sleep.

    [00:23:10] Guess what? I have a pad of waterproof paper.

    [00:23:12] That's brilliant. I gotta do that. Please link that.

    [00:23:15] I will. I think it's called What is it called?

    [00:23:18] Shower love notes. Oh my God. It is so great. And there's a waterproof pencil, I think, because I will just like get the best ideas there or whatever. And yeah, it's so funny. And you think about, I didn't ever thought about like, yeah, you're just there. It's kind of a trance state, right? You're just checking in with yourself.

    [00:23:34] You've got the sensory experience, you know, all of that. No wonder that's when we open up. Also when we're walking. Yes. Like bilateral stimulation. Like, yeah. And I would say like, why am I experiencing this? And if you get some intuitive hits. Right, some memory or some flesh or some color or some animal.

    [00:23:52] Yes. It's never wrong because it is the subconscious and also sometimes like the right side of your brain that has all of this wisdom and knowledge that is not verbal. And I got to tell you, it's always right in some way and whether or not, you know, like what to do with that memory, you know, then that's a great thing to take to, you know, to a therapist or to a hypnotherapist and, and, and, or just journal and process it and really acknowledge that even if it seems whack, there's something there, there really is something there just like you chase that trail and it really led you to the thing that you needed to heal and that you brought it into conversation, which also helped The whole conversation developed and other folks like, Oh my God.

    [00:24:37] Yeah. Me too. And girl scout cookies and the whole thing is unpacking and then

    [00:24:40] allowances, right? Even talking about that, like how that affected things and who got allowances, who didn't get allowances. Was it conditional? Was it non conditional? Right. And all we just started unpacking these amazing varied stories of how like, Oh yeah, that was an early money lesson I learned that is still playing out today. And when we share it, especially with other kind adults, not our parents, you know, or like, you know, people who can have these like new healing relationships and new healing dialogues, it really can get moved through because it's that little part of us that needed, like, needed the adult to step in in that way. And then we can do that for ourselves.

    [00:25:17] Absolutely. Yeah. It's the stuff is just goes quite deep, you know, just speaking on the allowances thing where we talked about the money healing club. And I remember my mom would just give me money just because right. It was like, oh, yeah. And every once in a while, she really wanted something done.

    [00:25:32] She'd be like, okay, go do this and I'll give you extra money. I was like, okay. Yes. But my dad, it was. Like I had to perform to receive money. And so that's something I've been working on rewiring is that believing that while I'm on vacation, consultation calls can come and people can book things. Like I don't have to always be working to receive money.

    [00:25:51] I can receive money in other ways. And cause that's what was instilled in me. is you have to work to make money.

    [00:25:57] You know, allowances are really interesting. And, um, also being a parent now and like, okay, how am I creating an environment for my Children to learn about money, make their own mistakes?

    [00:26:09] And like, I have my own opinions about it. Yeah, we do an allowance that is sort of there's no matter what, even if they're in trouble, they always get their allowance. They Make their own decisions with it, and we facilitate that and so far so good, but it's it's also like work in progress, you know, and as they get older, right?

    [00:26:27] Okay, well, then, can they earn more? And like, our decision of like, okay, what do we expect of them to do at home? That is just. I say like, that's your rent, dude. Like you live here for free or like, what's okay. No, if you do go mow the lawn, like that's worth a little extra, but then wow, my determination of that is really teaching them huge lessons for them to take forward.

    [00:26:48] Oh, it's wild to think about. I'll tell like, this is the work I do.

    [00:26:55] It's like, what did you learn about money as a child? Right. Are you learning that it's hard to make? Is it easy to make? Is it like what emotions are coming up from it?

    [00:27:05] Is it conflict? That's often when I'm working with adults, if I have blocks around money, that money was a source of conflict growing up.

    [00:27:12] And so money equals conflict, right? And so that's that script, right? It's like, there was conflict and there was money, it just happened to be there, right? Money didn't necessarily cause the conflict, like the people caused the conflict, and that is some like adult level nuance to take apart, but that we can really love our inner children through an updating that information.

    [00:27:33] Yeah. And then they can go be children. Yeah. What do you feel is next for you in this, in this, like, you know, the last few weeks of really having a different, um, feeling around selling.

    [00:27:44] So. What I feel is next for me. So right now I'm working on a hypnotherapy clinic and I also still have my own business and I am helping people who need some personalized individual one on one support because it's very, you know, specific to them, to their beliefs, to their identity, to the things that happened to them in their childhood, the things that happened to them in their life.

    [00:28:08] But there is this desire for me to create a group program that can support people. At, uh, different financial budgets and also my own like membership, cause I, I absolutely love Rachel's membership. I've been wanting to do a membership for about three months now, but I'm like, I need to be in one first. So I understand what it's like.

    [00:28:30] And so when this was presented to me with Rachel's money healing club, I was like, Oh my God, this, this looks amazing. Just like the. The platform, how it's set up. I just love like the psychology of how she has these things and just like the community and yeah, there's layers to money healing. Um, this is ancestral for me.

    [00:28:48] This goes deeper than just me. So I'm like, I could definitely use a boost in some money healing. There's some layers I've healed and there's some other areas that I want to boost. So yeah, like having a membership, having a group program to support people. So selling to. Many people at different budgets, different price points.

    [00:29:06] Cause I remember, you know, five years ago when I was newer in my business, and I really needed some support, but I couldn't afford the one on one care,

    [00:29:16] right? And that was such a mission to create this thing where I saw all of these You know money coaching programs like deep into the five figures Wow, which just feels Kind of against the whole process, and it's not about people charging a high ticket for their services.

    [00:29:32] There's a time and a place for that. Absolutely. But for the folks that I wanted to help and the folks I felt like really needed this, like, well, yeah, they, you know, they're in a place where they don't have a lot of. Spare cash. So I love that. Oh, I love that you want to make a membership like, it's so fun being on the receiving side of membership. I do think it makes, like, a really good member on the other side, creating a good membership. Yeah. Yeah. Well, this was a wonderful conversation.

    [00:29:56] Thank you for just sharing your process, teaching us about the brain states. I love that. I love, like, Not only understand the brain states, but then how we can use that knowledge to do some rewiring and I'm just explaining your hypnotherapy process and then your own personal example of how you can get from A to B to C, um, with some of these blocks, with some of these much more subtle things.

    [00:30:20] And like I always say, it's just this money stuff has nothing to do with numbers. Yes, exactly. Yeah. And then you can get to the numbers. Right then. Okay. This block is cleared. Now I can do the spreadsheet or the app or do something more practical. And I think a lot of us have it reversed. Um, I know, I think there are really good things coming up for you and I so appreciate you sharing your story with us.

    [00:30:43] Thank you so much. Was really beautiful to be invited to have this conversation from this breakthrough and just sharing with your audience, sharing with them. Like you said, it's not about the numbers. It goes deeper. And this is stuff that's in the subconscious. The subconscious mind picks everything up before the age of 7 and it's always picking things up even after then.

    [00:31:03] But being able to get in there and reprogram is so important. And if you're even curious, Yeah. It's about things outside of money. Hypnotherapy can help us so many things. And so if you're interested to learn more, I would love to offer a free consultation call. So just reach out to me. You can reach out to me at my email.

    [00:31:21] It's hypnotherapywithlexi@gmail.com

    [00:31:25] I am a, I'm a huge hypnotherapy, um, convert and believer on the other side of the chair. So I fully endorse it. This is great, Lexi. Well, I will see you in the club. Thank you so much for sharing. Thank

    [00:31:35] you so much.

    [00:31:37] Bye everybody.

    [00:31:38] -Music-

    [00:31:42] Thanks for listening to the Money Healing Club podcast. You can find resources and links from this episode in the show notes at moneyhealingclub. com slash podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, you'd probably really love my free email course on curbing impulse spending with compassion and mindfulness.

    [00:31:58] Check it out at moneyhealingclub.com/challenge. Do you have a question about how financial therapy might help you? Leave me a voicemail at moneyhealingclub.com. And I might answer your question in a future episode of the pod. We are in this together and I really appreciate it.

    [00:32:15] -Music-


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